
Welcome to the University Utrecht website of bio-inspiration!

Innovative ideas are pop up like mushrooms in autumn when students are challenged during courses and internships of the Master Bio Inspired Innovation. Bio-inspiration is a relatively new field within innovation, which is all about creating innovative ideas by looking at and learning from nature. However, in our ever fast-paced and complex world it can be easy to lose track of all that innovative bio-inspired energy.  

That’s why this website was created! It is full of innovative ideas of students and alumni. So please, roam around the website more information about the concept of bio-inspiration, amazing projects in progress, prospective and the past, and stay tuned for our upcoming interactive platform of opportunities and inspiration.  

Global Biomimicry Design Challenge 

For the last few years, students of Bio Inspired Innovation joined the Global Biomimicry Design Challenge. They used the Biomimicry method to design solutions to prevent, combat or to endure the effects of climate change.

View Design Challenge submissions


Minor Research Projects

During their Master’s program, students of Bio Inspired Innovation also have to carry out a Minor Research Project. During approximately six months they conduct research and write a report. Some of this research focusses on the innovation of bio-inspired products and ideas that might be interesting for future development.

View finished Minor Research Projects